Clinical Trials

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How Do I Get a Study?

Doctors looking to participate in a clinical trial have first step which is to be trained. The next steps are to create a team to help support the clinical research progam.

Sephmer Helps Doctors

Sephmer Sciences' goal is to enhance communication between sponsors and investigators, to create a link that allows for strong working relationships and ease. Sephmer was created by clinical research professionals and physicians that had first hand experience with the difficulties of both sponsors and physician-investigators and we wanted to make it ease for both. 

Sephmer Sciences is a company that provides solid strategies, knowledge-based management techniques applied to a pharmaceutical company's clinical trials vision by incorporating our intellectual assets, all with the goal of assisting in the development of an effective clinical trials program. The ultimate purpose is to increase the customer relationship (physician – pharmaceutical/biotech sponsor), improve clinical study management, and enhance the core business operations equally essential to every clinical research program.


Training: Team Approach

Understanding each team member's role is important:

Principal Investigator


Study Coordinators

Regulatory Coordinators


Additional Support Staff: Phlebotomist and Medical Assistant


Sephmer has a team approach to clinical research training. Sephmer realizes that your team is the essence of your succes. Therefore, we approach it not simply as preparing the Principal Investigator but the Research Nurse too. As research professionals, we know that your Research Nurse is key to meeting your goals.

Step Above the Rest

Sephmer focuses on providing services for individual investigators (and research teams). We design a package to meet your specific needs. It's like have a personal clincial trials consultant all to  yourself.

Not Just a Database

"We are your eyes, ears and mouth. We look for new studies for you. We contact companies for you. We speak for you."

We offer you more than a database with studies that may be open or sponsors looking for trials. Sephmer provides you with the option of searching our database and personally presents your site to sponsors and CROs. Therefore, you have multiple opportunities to get a study.